13. Задания по лексике и грамматике

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13. Задания по лексике и грамматике

Сообщение school18 » Пн фев 24, 2020 7:22 pm

Dear friends, you need to complete two tasks on lexics and grammar. The final deadline for this task is 27.02.2020 

Задания по лексике и грамматике

Задание I.
Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19–25, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19–25.

При заполнении поля ответа оставляйте ровно один пробел между cловами. Принимается только британский вариант орфографии.

The History of Man
How long has man been on earth? Let us travel 5,000 years into the past. We are in the days before man learned to write. Recorded history
19.  NOT BEGIN yet.

20. Yet there are people, about five million of them,
LIVE on all five continents.
21. EARLY true human being, Homo sapiens, appeared in Europe more than 50,000 years ago.
Greek myths: Daedalus
Daedalus was a brilliant architect and inventor of ancient Greece. He was so brilliant that King Minos of Crete
22. KEEP him as a prisoner.
The King
23. NOT WANT to let him go back to his home in Athens.

Daedalus lived with his son Icarus in a tower of the palace, and King Minos made him invent weapons for war that would make his army and navy
24. POWERFUL than they already were.
Although Daedalus and Icarus had every comfort, they longed to return home to Athens. Daedalus looked at the sea, and he realized that even if they managed to slip out of the tower and find a little boat, they would not be able to sail far. One of King Minos’s
25. SEAMAN would spot and catch them very soon.

Задание II.
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 26–31

Принимается только британский вариант орфографии.

Arbor Day and Earth Day
The first Arbor Day took place in April, 1872 in Nebraska. It was the brainchild of Julius Sterling Morton (1832-1902), a Nebraska journalist and
26. POLITICS originally from Michigan.
When he became a member of Nebraska’s state board of agriculture, he proposed that a special day be set aside dedicated to tree planting and
27.  AWARE of the importance of trees. Nebraska’s first Arbor Day was an amazing success. More than one million trees were planted.
On April 22, 1970, Arbor Day
28. ACTIVE were modified to emphasise the critical importance of the environment.

It was a time when cities were buried under their own smog and polluted rivers caught fire. Earth Day was created to remind people of their
29.  RESPONSIBLE to protect the planet.
New Earth Day is celebrated
30. ANNUAL around the globe.
What started as a day of national environmental recognition has evolved into a worldwide campaign to protect our
31. GLOBE environment.
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Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 06, 2023 7:46 pm

Re: 13. Задания по лексике и грамматике

Сообщение GregorySep » Сб мар 23, 2024 6:49 pm

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Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 06, 2023 7:46 pm

Re: 13. Задания по лексике и грамматике

Сообщение GregorySep » Вт апр 02, 2024 5:26 pm
